Saturday 25 October 2014

5 Healthy Mistakes You Make Every Day

None of us are perfect and we keep making mistakes from time to time. But did you know you could be putting your health in jeopardy right this second? From sitting to slouching and even the simple act of suddenly stopping routine medication can be fatal for you. Check out the five worst health mistakes you make almost every other day:

1. Skipping Breakfast
Skipping breakfast and starting your day is like driving around with limited gas. Not only will you feel less active and sluggish, skipping breakfast can even give you a higher risk of diabetes and make you hungrier throughout the day. So, eat breakfast everyday to feel happier, more functional and to stay healthy.

2. No Flossing
Flossing is the main component when it comes to oral hygiene. But, most do not think it to be as important; which needs to be changed, because plaque between the teeth can be more serious than you may think. Flossing is recommended once a day, at least.

3. Driving With Your Windows Down
We all like driving with the windows down to feel the cool nice breeze, but it is very harmful for the lungs as we breathe in the harmful pollutants emitted by cars.

4. Bad Posture, Including Sitting For A Long Time
Of course, nobody can sit upright all day and one always tends to slouch, which is what adds to your bad health. A bad posture leads to a painful back and a stiff neck. Including slouching, sitting all day puts you in grave danger of obesity, diabetes and heart diseases even if you are otherwise physically active.

5. Suddenly Stopping Medicines
Most of us are guilty of this one-we start feeling slightly better and stop taking our medication, but suddenly end up feeling a whole lot worse. Abruptly stopping certain medications can be life -threatening. So keep taking it until the course is over and you have consulted your doctor.

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